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set up a company中文是什么意思

用"set up a company"造句"set up a company"怎么读"set up a company" in a sentence


  • 建立一个公司
  • 组建了一个公司


  • Lester : you thought setting up a company was going to be easy
  • Soon after , the university set up a company called transarc to sell services based on afs
  • You may set up a company completely owned by yourselves or a joint venture with a chinese partner
  • For meeting the growing meet of chinese customers , hennecke set up a company hennecke maruka ( shanghai ) ltd
  • Is there any temporary arrangement for mainland business executives to come to hong kong for a short duration to conduct preparatory work for setting up a company in hong kong
  • Is a one - stop access to a wide range of business information including details about setting up a company , financing options business operation and expansion , etc . it is expected that smes can gain access to the required business information more efficiently and effectively
用"set up a company"造句  


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